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What other Specialist Services are available in addition to Senior Moving Managers?

 by: Tehila Mörtl

When delving into the topic of senior relocation and senior moving companies, there are a vast array of resources and services available, Senior Moving Managers being only one.  During such a big and what might be the final move of a seniors life, most important is securing a professional, well established company that has experience in moving elders and all which that entails. 

In this installment on senior moving, I would like to explore the other types of professionals in addition to Senior Moving Managers specialist services available which include: 

Certified Relocation & Transition Specialist (CRTS):

The National Certification Board for Alzheimer’s care is responsible for awarding the Certified Relocation Specialist (CRTS) credential.  Since 2004, it has remained the only valid independent industry credential.  Professionals with CRTS certification work in a variety of related professional disciplines, but all are involved in the senior moving process. 

To learn more about CRTS, please click on the following link:

Senior Real Estate Specialists (SRES): 

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) launched its Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES) accrediting program in 2007. This program and the SRES designation were designed to offer senior home sellers a steadfast resource to help better understand today’s market, while addressing many needs of individuals 55 and over.

Professional Geriatric Care Managers (PCGM):

In regards to PCGM’s requirements for certification where established in 2006 by the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM).  A Professional Geriatric Care Manager (PGCM) is qualified gto provide numerous services above and beyond senior relocation.

Whether you are ready to move as quickly as possible or you are just starting to think about this as an option, we encourage you to give us acall  at 646-820-9202 and speak with one of our senior care consultants. They will be able to assist you with making all the necessary arrangements and answer any questions you might have to begin the process.  Most of the services we provide for our elderly clients and their families are completely free since we work on referral basis with firms we trust. If you are in NYC, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island or the Bronx please get in touch with us to learn how we can help you today.






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